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Singapore PM urges couples to have more babies in Chinese New Year message

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong shared a special message for “young couples” while welcoming the Chinese New Year. The PM urged people to welcome ‘little dragons’ into their families to battle the declining birth rate in the country.
“Tonight, we will be gathering with our loved ones to usher in the #YearoftheDragon. I hope more couples will be encouraged this year to add a ‘little dragon’ to your family,” the PM wrote in a post shared on X. A link posted alongside documents his entire message on Chinese New Year.
“As we celebrate Chinese New Year, let us also celebrate our families. Families are at the heart of our society. Our families give us unwavering strength and support, cheer for us in our triumphs, and stand by us through adversity. They are a big part of our sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. Through our families, we pass on our aspirations and values from generation to generation,” the PM said.
“Many Chinese families consider a child born in the year of the dragon to be especially auspicious, the dragon being a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. So now is as good a time as any for young couples to add a ‘little dragon’ to your family,” he added.
PM Lee Hsien Loong acknowledged that the decision to have a baby is a very personal one. However added, “All over the world, especially in developed societies like Singapore, fertility rates have been declining”.
He also talked about people being busy prioritising careers and pursuing other interests. “All this is quite understandable. But I still hope that more Singaporean couples will decide to have more children, and to have them earlier!” the PM expressed.
He concluded his message by wishing Singaporeans good health, and a very happy Chinese New Year.
